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Why Pest Control Is Important

Eric Uptain

December 12, 2022

Pests will always be a part of life.

It's estimated that there are 200 million insects for every human on the earth! There is just no way around the fact that pests will always be around, therefore, pest control is a very important part of your life. Pests can cause structural damage to your home or office, contaminate your food supply, transmit diseases to your family and even cause you to lose sleep. Don't let pests ruin your property or health; protect yourself by working with a pest control professional today!

Pests can lead to serious health issues such as diseases.

Pests are a health risk to you and your family. They can carry diseases that can lead to serious illness or even death. Pests carry viruses, bacteria, parasites and other microorganisms in their blood, urine, and feces. These organisms are often passed along when pests bite or scratch humans or animals. Other times they may be transmitted through food that has been contaminated by the pest's saliva or touch of its body parts on food surfaces. Some examples of these diseases include West Nile virus (mosquitoes), Lyme disease (deer ticks), rat-bite fever (rats), chikungunya, dengue fever, Rickettsia-like organism (which causes typhus), Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Ross River virus. The best way to avoid being exposed is to have regular pest control treatments performed by an experienced professional.

Having pest problems can lead to bad mental health and a decrease in focus.

Just like other types of stress, pest problems can increase your risk of depression and mental illness. A study conducted by The New York Academy of Medicine in 2018 found that people with pest infestations had an increase in depressive symptoms. Having a pest problem can also lead people to feel as though they lack control of their environment which can often act as a catalyst for poor mental health. Pest problems also lead to a decrease in focus. Insects or rodents inside your living area can be noisy, messy, and feel overwhelming all of which can really have a negative impact on someone's ability to focus on more important things.

Pests will contaminate your food supply.

Pests are a threat to your food supply. You can't make pest-free food, but you can limit the chance of contamination by washing your hands after handling food and keeping your kitchen clean and free of clutter.

If pests make it into your home undetected and begin to spread, the contamination will only get worse as they go undetected. Once they do become apparent to you, it's already too late: they've already contaminated everything they touched before you noticed them!

This contamination could result in a huge bill for you and your family especially if you try and keep emergency food storage. All the money you put into keeping your family fed and prepared could go in the garbage if your food is contaminated by pests.

Pests can cause structural damage to your home.

If you have pests in your home, it's important to understand that not only is it a nuisance but that they could be causing structural damage to your property. They can chew through wood, drywall and other materials. This can be a huge problem especially if you plan on selling your home in the future. Pest damage can mean losing hundreds or even thousands of dollars in the selling process. Working with a pest control professional is the best way to protect you and your property from pests.

Pest control companies are able to help you because they have the training, experience and tools necessary to find and treat pests. Whether you have a rodent problem or need your home sprayed for termites, a pest control professional can provide the thorough inspection needed for effective treatment. They also know where to look for signs of infestation so that they don't miss anything during their search. It's important that you do not try to handle any type of pest problem yourself; this is why working with a professional is always recommended!

Just because you have pests doesn't mean you have to live with them.

In conclusion, its clear to see that pest control is very important for your and your family’s well-being. Working with a pest control professional is the best way to protect you and your property from pests. Here at Crosstown Pests, we are able to help you because we have the training, experience and tools necessary to find and treat pests. Whether you have a rodent problem or need your home sprayed for termites, a pest control professional can provide the thorough inspection needed for effective treatment. We also know where to look for signs of infestation so that we don't miss anything during our search. It's important that you do not try to handle any type of pest problem yourself; this is why working with a professional is always recommended! When pest control is done right, you get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your home and property are safe from pests. Don’t let pests get the best of you—get rid of them with pest control services from Cross Town Pests!

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